Diet Tips to Reduce Weight

  • Remember you EAT to LIVE and DO NOT live to eat.
  • Eat more of fiber rich food.
  • Avoid oily, fried and spicy food.
  • Make sure to have sufficient amount of water throughout the day. Ideally 8-10 glasses.
  • Aim to achieve and then maintain your ideal body weight.
  • Do not add to or omit any food allowed in your diets.
  • Ensure to follow a regular exercise routine as advised by our professionals.
  • Dinner should be had atleast two hours before bed time for effective digestion.
  • Avoid overcooking, reheating, or deep freezing food.
  • Avoid the use of soda bicarbonate, preservatives, and colors while cooking vegetables and pulses.
  • Prefer the consumption of whole fruits over juices.
  • Use wheat flour without sieving.
  • Never skip a meal, instead have smaller and frequent meals.
  • Always start your day with breakfast. This will keep you energized throughout the day.
  • Always read the nutrition and expiry labels when purchasing packaged food.

Hot Water Remedy:

Switching from cold water to hot water can do you good. Hot water flushes out the fats from the vessels helping you lose weight easily. Drink hot water before and after your meals regularly, you need to give a gap of at least 30 minutes. Don’t drink water immediately after your meals. See the difference in your body after one month.


Lemon, Honey and Black Pepper:

The powerful action of lemon tea for weight loss is well known. The combination of lemon, honey and black pepper is one of the most functional Indian home remedies for weight loss, and the best thing is that all the ingredients are easily available in the kitchen. Lemons contains pectin fiber that helps in preventing hunger pangs and keep you satiated for a longer time so that you don’t munch on unhealthy snacks. It also helps in maintaining the pH of the body at an alkaline stage that prevents the body from storing fat. The main substance Piperine present in black pepper prevents the formation of new fat cells in the body and also reduces the fat lenses in the blood stream. Lemon and honey is a famous combination used to lose weight. Adding black pepper to it doesn’t just give it a better taste but also boosts your energy and makes your body light.

Ingredients:lemon, honey and black pepper

  • Luke warm water-1 Glass
  • Honey – 1 tsp
  • Black pepper – 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice – 4 tbsp


Take a glass with lukewarm water. Add 1 tsp of honey, 1tsp of black pepper. Add 4 tbsp of lemon juice and mix it well. Drink this mixture every day in the morning to gain a noticeable change.

Green Tea:

This is yet another widely known home remedy for weight loss that has several other health benefits. The compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea prevents weight gain and obesity by limiting fat absorption and enhancing the body’s capacity to use fat for producing energy that is required to carry out various functions. In addition, green tea is loaded with nutrients and essential minerals for the body like zinc, selenium and chromium that is beneficial for maintaining overall health. Drinking 3 to4 cups of green tea on a daily basis is effective in fighting obesity.

green tea

Cucumber Remedy:

The use of cucumbers for dark circles removal is well known. Cucumber contains 90% of water and just 13.25 calories. It is an effective and famous home remedy to cut down fat cells and excess body fluids. Cucumber has vitamins A, C and E that eliminate the toxins from the body. Consuming cucumber also gives you energy and makes your body feel light and energetic. Try to consume lots of cucumbers daily.


Following is a Generalized 1200 Cal Vegetarian Diet Chart:

Vegetarians have a wide range of option in this diet as they can include vegetables, lentils, pulses, cottage cheese (paneer) and yogurt on their menu as a source of protein, vitamins and nutrients. The Vegetarian diet includes:

Timing Foods To Eat Calories
Early Morning Lukewarm Water with Lemon 1 glass 0
Tea without Sugar + 2 Biscuits 90
Breakfast 2 Rotis + 1/2 cup Paneer Curry 330
Brown Bread Upma 1 plate + Milk 1 cup 300
Mid-Morning 1 Banana/1/2 cup Melon/20 Grapes 50
Lunch Brown Rice 1 cup (195 gm) + Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup + Salad 1 bowl + Raita 1 small bowl 345
Evening Butter Milk 1 cup 35
Dinner 2 Rotis + Vegetable Soup 1 bowl + Salad 1 bowl 370
Total 1220/1190 Cal

Following is a Generalized 1200 Cal Non-vegetarian Diet Chart:

The 1200 Cal non-vegetarian diet chart is almost identical to the vegetarian diet with the exception of eggs, chicken and fish that are included in breakfast, lunch and dinner. It’s best to stay away from red meat because of the high level of saturated fats. It’s certainly not a good option for those trying to lose weight.

Timing Foods To Eat Calories
Early Morning Lukewarm Water with Lemon 1 glass 0
Tea without Sugar + 2 Biscuits 90
Breakfast 2 Hard boiled Eggs + 2 Slice Brown Bread 290
2 Scrambled Eggs + 1 Slice Brown Bread+ Skimmed Milk 1 cup (240 gm) 310
Mid-Morning 1 Banana/1/2 cup Melon/20 Grapes 50
Lunch Brown Rice 1 cup(195 gm) + Chicken(100 gm) + Mixed Vegetables 1/2 cup + Salad 1 Bowl 360
Evening Butter Milk 1 cup 35
Dinner 1 Roti + Fish(50 gm) + Lentils Dal 1/2 cup+ Raita 1 small bowl 380
Total 1205/1225 Cal

Combination of 1200 Calorie Meal Plan with Exercise

A healthy and balanced diet in combination with fast fat burning exercises at home or gym is the best way to reduce weight permanently but most of us are confused about the amount and time of exercise that should be done along with the 1200 cal diet in order to promote healthy weight loss. For starters, exercising is absolutely safe while following a 1200 cal diet plan but the maximum recommended rate of weight loss is 2 pounds per week. In order to burn 2 pounds each week you will need to burn 300 calories a day that can be done by either an hour of moderate intensity exercises like brisk walking or swimming or 30 to 45 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercises like running, jogging, hiking or cycling.


পান্ডুই মানব কল্যাণ সমিতিকে সাহায্য করার আবেদন

প্রকৃত সাধীনতা পেতে অন্ন,বস্ত্র,বাসস্থান এবং শিক্ষা একান্তই জরুরি

সাধীনতার ৬৯ বছর পেরোলেও কি বলতে পারব,সত্যিই সাধীন আমরা ?

                                                             – অরূপ মুখোপাধ্যায়


শবর জাতির উন্নয়নের লক্ষ্যে আবাসিক স্কুল তৈরী করেন কলকাতা পুলিশ এর কনস্টবল শ্রী অরূপ মুখোপাধ্যায়.
নিউ আলিপুর থানায় কর্মরত তিনি.’এই সময় ‘ সংবাদপত্রে প্রকাশিত হযেছিল তার পুন্চা নবদিশা মডেল স্কুল এর কথা.
পুরুলিয়ার মানবাজার এর একটি শবর গ্রামের বাসিন্দা অরূপবাবু.ছোটবেলা থেকেই দেখেছেন শবর জাতির সংগ্রাম.চেয়েছেন সমাজ এর মূল স্রোতে উঠে আসুক তার জাতি.স্কুল তৈরির পেছনে ও কাজ করছিল সেই অনুপ্রেরণা.
অরুপবাবুর মাইনের প্রায় অর্ধেক টাকায় চলতে থাকা এই স্কুলটি যাতে আরও এগিয়ে যেতে পারে, তার জন্য চিরন্তনী ক্লাবের পক্ষ্য থেকে কিছু অর্থ সাহায্য ও দেওয়া হয়.



এই আবাসন স্কুল চালানো মোটে  সহজ কাজ নয়.প্রতি মাসে ১০ কুইন্টাল চালের প্রয়োজন হয়.তাই সকলের কাছেই আবেদন যে যেন তারা যেমন ভাবে পারেন নিজেদের সাধ্যমত এগিয়ে এসে এই সংস্থা কে যথাক্রমে সাহায্য করেন.

                    নিউ আলিপুর চিরন্তনী ক্লাব ও একই সুরে সকালের কাছে আবেদন জানাচ্ছে.যাঁরা অরূপের এই শুভ উদ্যোগে শরিক হতে চান, তাঁরা Pandui Manab Kallayan Samiti এর ফেসবুক Profile  যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন(যার link হলো –  ) অথবা (9433730764) এই নং এ যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন।

A/C no- 0557010223607
Bank name- U.B.I
IFCS Code – utbi0pnc026
Branch – Puncha


One Step Further

New Alipore Chirantani Club is proud to say that it has been supporting social organizations for quite sometime now.Just as it has done the wonderful job of felicitating (PANDUI MANAB KALLAYAN SAMITI)পান্ডুই মানব কল্যাণ সমিতি,an organisation which undertakes the responsibility of providing education to the children of শবর জাতি people for the development of this underdeveloped community.Club premises এ 15th august শ্রী অরূপ মুখার্জী, যিনি এই সমিতির প্রধান ,তাকে নিউ আলিপুর চিরন্তনী ক্লাব জাতীয় পতাকা উত্তোলন এর সম্মান এবং তার organisation কে কিছু অর্থ সাহায্য দিয়ে আমরা felicitate করেছি ,which was published on EI SAMAY newspaper.On the same lines,on 9th November 2015,
New Alipore Chirantani Club is going to felicitate another similar organisation (HARINAVI SRIJAN)হরিনাভি সৃজন which is currently engaged in educating and nurturing the children of fireworks labourers to enable them to build their future. To know more about them,kindly visit their website-

শুভ বিজয়া ২০১৫

পঞ্চমীতে খুশির আমেজ ,
ষষঠিতে বোধন .
সপ্তমীতে নাচা নাচি ,
অষ্টমীতে ভোজন .
নবমীতে ঘুরে ফিরে হাপিয়ে লোকজন ,
দশমীতে বিদায় সুরে কাদে সবার মন .

ঢাকের কাঠির মিষ্টি রেশ,
পুজো এবার হলো শেষ .
নুতন আশায় বাঁধি বুক,
সবার ইচ্ছে পূরণ হোক.
আসছে বছর আবার হবে ,
কে জানে কে কোথায় রবে !

 শুভ বিজয়া ২০১৫